- Hooray!
- Ура!
Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary. 2014.
Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary. 2014.
hooray — see HURRAH (Cf. hurrah) … Etymology dictionary
hooray — ► EXCLAMATION 1) hurrah. 2) Austral./NZ goodbye … English terms dictionary
hooray — [hoo rā′, hərā′, ho͞orā′] interj., n., vi., vt. var. of HURRAY … English World dictionary
Hooray — n British a young upper class male, particularly one who indulges in offensive, rowdy, hearty and/or vacuous behaviour. This pejorative term arose in the late 1960s to describe the more exhibitionist members of a social subgroup which was later… … Contemporary slang
hooray — hoo|ray [huˈreı, ˌhu:ˈreı] interjection [Date: 1600 1700; Origin: Perhaps from German hurra] shouted when you are very glad about something >hooray n →hip hip hooray at ↑hip3 … Dictionary of contemporary English
hooray — [[t]hʊre͟ɪ[/t]] EXCLAM People sometimes shout Hooray! when they are very happy and excited about something. hip hip hooray → see hip … English dictionary
hooray — interjection shouted when you are very glad about something see also: hip hip hooray hip 2 hooray noun (C) … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
hooray — interjection 1. /həˈreɪ / (say huh ray), /huˈreɪ/ (say hooh ray) (an exclamation of joy, applause, or the like.) 2. /ˈhureɪ/ (say hoohray), /ˈureɪ/ (say oohray) Chiefly Qld and NSW goodbye. –verb (i) /həˈreɪ / (say huh ray), /huˈreɪ/ (say hooh… …
Hooray! — int An interjection of celebration. Hooray! I just won the lottery! 1890s … Historical dictionary of American slang
hooray — int. 1 = HURRAH. 2 Austral. & NZ goodbye. Phrases and idioms: Hooray Henry Brit. sl. a rich ineffectual young man, esp. one who is fashionable, extroverted, and conventional. Etymology: var. of HURRAH … Useful english dictionary
Hooray for Auburn! — (sometimes Hurrah for Auburn! or simply Hooray!) is the fight song of Auburn High School in Auburn, Alabama, USA. The melody and basic wording of Hooray for Auburn have been adopted for use in the fight songs of many schools in the United States … Wikipedia